Thursday, January 6, 2011

We're having a BOY!

So now that you've gotten all the info you really need by the title & by scrolling thru the pics I'll give you something more to read if you'd like. :)

"The" ultrasound was scheduled for January 7th. The appointment had been made at least a month in advance, work schedules had been rearranged, & the countdown was on. Well, when we got home from Christmas in Hartsville & my phone was all charged up (I forgot my charger so I was phoneless most of the time) I saw that I had a couple of voicemails... My Jan 7th appointment needed to be rescheduled. I was heart broken! I just knew we'd have to wait until closer to February. After making a million phone calls & leaving just as many voicemails at my Dr's office I finally got a call back on Wednesday (Dec 29th) saying I could be worked in the following day! woo hoo! Needless to say I didn't sleep very much that night. I actually slept about 3 hours before I got up & cleaned until it was time to get ready for work! :P

After the LONGEST half day of work of my life I was off to the Dr's office. Kyle's parents came into town for Pat's birthday so we decided to surprise them! Kyle had lunch with Marc & Pat then headed to the Dr's office. We all met up & it was such a fun surprise! So for Pat's birthday we gave her the gift of finding out what her next grandchild would be! :)

The appointment went great! My weight is good (thank goodness because I'm starting to feel pretty round these days), the baby is measuring great (a week bigger but they won't move up the due date), & the heartbeat was amazing! I loved having Kyle there (it was his first ultrasound) & seeing his face when the tech said "it's a boy!" was totally priceless! I have to admit I did kind of yell in excitement & then started crying. haha! Glad Kyle was there to hold my hand. It truly was an awesome experience I will never forget! Many thanks to Kyle, Marc, & Pat for being there!

Later that night Pat decided she wanted to go shopping for our baby boy even though it was her birthday! Take a look at the pic. This baby boy is set for next Holiday season! He probably has 25 Christmas outfits to count him down to Santa coming to town! Oh how I can't wait! Yay for Grandma Pat!

6 weeks & 19 weeks
Can you see the difference? :)

Here's our baby boy! So I guess we were right all along by calling him Lil Kinney!