Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

June 8th was our 3rd Anniversary! I celebrated the day by waking up at 5am to head to Girls Camp for the week & for Kyle I believe it was just a normal day Fortunately we were able to go out to dinner the weekend before to actually commemorate the special occasion. We didn't exchange gifts this year... We were feeling rather lazy & because there is money being tied up with our upcoming move-so we decided to save it to buy something fun from Ikea! :)

Kyle & I met in December of 2004. It's hard to believe that we've known each other for 5 1/2 years now! We've had our ups & downs but it's totally worth it. I am so grateful for all that Kyle does for me & I'm realizing that more & more with him in Atlanta. (this is his 4th week)

Just some of the reasons I love Kyle:
-he motivates me
-he is a hard worker
-he listens to all of my complaining
-he's creative
-he waits for me after church (even if I do like to chat for a while with friends)
-he gets me to try new food
-he loves to travel
-he is a super planner (especially with vacations)
-he is a strong priesthood holder & knows so much about the gospel
-he is a great dad to Moose :)
-he likes to cook
-he laughs at my jokes
-he loves me :)

Here are some fun pictures to show just a fraction of the time we've spent together. I love him dearly & I can't wait to spend eternity with him.

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"Come grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

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