Monday, August 13, 2012

Walking, Bumps, & Bruises...

Cooper is becoming quite the little boy. In the last 2 weeks his walking has improved dramatically. He is letting go of furniture & walking around like crazy. At times I'm caught off guard by the sound of another set of foot steps in our condo. :) We just can't get him to stop. It's so fun to see him excited & discovering this new found skill. But with walking come accidents... 

Walking around.

Being cute. :)
Coop has recently mastered 'big boy crawling'
Here he is showing off with a silly face.

On the morning of Sat (Aug 4) Coop was walking around like a champ. Kyle & I were getting ready for some errands when we heard Cooper hit something, fall, & let out quite a frightening cry. Poor Coop had slipped on his way to the bench & fell right into the wooden bench mouth first. He bit his bottom lip pretty hard. This was his first accident. The picture doesn't convey the damage done but Cooper being such a good sport enjoyed watching Seasame Street while I iced his lip. He was fine shortly after, back to walking & sucking on his fingers.

Swollen bottom lip.
Just a few days later, on Thursday, Coop had another accident. Coop was walking around like normal. He walked up to a metal fold up chair (our 'desk' chair) & put his hands out to grab it. He started to fall before he got to the chair. I saw it in slow motion & thought his forehead hit the chair. Nope. His mouth hit it. Not only did he chip the outer corner of his right top front tooth off but he hit his gum, the next tooth over was pushed through, & he bit his lip. After a few minutes of crying (I was close to tears myself) I got his bleeding under control & called his pediatrician then Kyle. Long story short he's fine. I spoke with a pediatric dentist & I'm keeping an eye on his tooth (have to make sure the root of the tooth is fine) After his nap, Cooper had forgotten all about his accident & was back to walking & eating like normal.

The white scrape is where his tooth hit. His tooth
basically disintegrated. :(

The best picture I could get (a few hours later). If you look
at HIS right top tooth you can barely see the chip. I can
spot it like a hawk but it's not too noticable in person.

This past weekend Kyle was letting Cooper walk on a sidewalk. Cooper was rocking it out but at one point stopped & fell to his knees. Now our little boy has a scraped knee. What happened to my baby?! He's not old enough for all this!

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